Screenshot 2023-09-14 113512

Autor foto: Fundacja im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego


Published: September 22, 2023

Screenshot 2023-09-14 113512

Autor foto: Fundacja im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego


Opublikowano: September 22, 2023

The 2023 Warsaw Security Forum Annual Report, entitled “Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) as a New Center of Gravity: Recommendation on Strengthening Regional, European and Transatlantic Security” is now available online.

For over half a year, nearly 30 internationally recognized experts and policymakers in foreign policy, defense, energy and cybersecurity, supported by the Casimir Pulaski Foundation’s team, have been working on the development of the report. The report consists of four thematic areas, including defense, democratic resilience, energy and climate, and cybersecurity. For each of these areas, the report proposes two advocacy causes, which serve as “calls for action” for decision-makers, reflecting the security needs of the CEE region and creating proposals for implementable policies on the Transatlantic, European and national levels.

During the 10th Anniversary edition of the Warsaw Security Forum (3-4 October 2023), you will have the opportunity to meet the authors of the report and receive a unique printed version of the reading.

“Times of crisis pose both immense challenges as well as unique opportunities. It is the hope of the authors and contributors of this report, that the transatlantic community makes the most of these times of trial, by first and foremost helping Ukraine to win the war with Russia and second by taking this opportunity to strengthen our own collective defence, as well as our democratic resilience. We trust this report will contribute to finding the right solutions for Central and Eastern Europe and the Transatlantic Alliance as a whole.” – writes Prof. Kataryna Pisarska, Chair of the Warsaw Security Forum – in the introduction to the report.


To see all 40 contrubutors to The WSF2023 Annual Report, please click the tab below:

WSF report


The 2023 Warsaw Security Forum Annual Report, entitled “Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) as a New Center of Gravity: Recommendation on Strengthening Regional, European and Transatlantic Security” is now available online.

For over half a year, nearly 30 internationally recognized experts and policymakers in foreign policy, defense, energy and cybersecurity, supported by the Casimir Pulaski Foundation’s team, have been working on the development of the report. The report consists of four thematic areas, including defense, democratic resilience, energy and climate, and cybersecurity. For each of these areas, the report proposes two advocacy causes, which serve as “calls for action” for decision-makers, reflecting the security needs of the CEE region and creating proposals for implementable policies on the Transatlantic, European and national levels.

During the 10th Anniversary edition of the Warsaw Security Forum (3-4 October 2023), you will have the opportunity to meet the authors of the report and receive a unique printed version of the reading.

“Times of crisis pose both immense challenges as well as unique opportunities. It is the hope of the authors and contributors of this report, that the transatlantic community makes the most of these times of trial, by first and foremost helping Ukraine to win the war with Russia and second by taking this opportunity to strengthen our own collective defence, as well as our democratic resilience. We trust this report will contribute to finding the right solutions for Central and Eastern Europe and the Transatlantic Alliance as a whole.” – writes Prof. Kataryna Pisarska, Chair of the Warsaw Security Forum – in the introduction to the report.


To see all 40 contrubutors to The WSF2023 Annual Report, please click the tab below:

WSF report