The Casimir Pulaski Foundation is an independent, non-partisan and non-for-profit Polish think-tank, cooperating with institutional and business partners in a transparent manner with full autonomy. The legal basis for the Foundation’s activities in Poland is the Act of April 6, 1984 on Foundations.
We are grateful for the financial support we receive from foundations, corporations, government institutions, as well as individuals. With the commitment of Partners, the Foundation is able to carry out its statutory objectives, preparing professional analyses and carrying out activities to strengthen regional and Transatlantic security, promote European integration and democratic values, including a stable international order based on international law and peaceful relations between states.
The Foundation’s sources of funding are:
- Grants awarded by international and national institutions, obtained through transparent, open competitive procedures. Grants account for 44% operational revenues (2024).
- Partnership and sponsorship agreements for the implementation of Foundation projects, including, in particular, Warsaw Security Forum. Sponsorship provides 52% of revenues (2024).
- Individual donations for statutory purposes. Donations account for 4% of revenues (2024).
Between 2015 and 2024, the Foundation received grants from the following entities (alphabetical order):
- Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation
- Central European Initiative (CEI)
- Centrum Mieroszewskiego
- Departament Stanu USA
- Fundacja Friedricha Eberta
- Fundacja Heinricha Bolla
- Fundacja Konrada Adenauera
- Fundacja Liderzy Przemian
- Fundacja Współpracy Polsko-Niemieckiej
- Fundusze Norweskie
- German Marshall Fund
- Komisja Europejska
- Martens Centre for European Studies
- Międzynarodowy Fundusz Wyszehradzki
- Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych RP
- NATO Public Diplomacy Division
- NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme
- Narodowy Instytut Wolności
- National Endowment for Democracy
- Office of Transition Initiatives
- Open Society Foundations
- Rada Europy
- ZINC Network / Open Information Partnership
Between 2015 and 2024, the Foundation raised funding in partnership with the following companies (alphabetical order):
- Accenture
- Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu
- Airbus
- B2R Law Jankowski Stroiński Zięba
- Babcock
- BAE Systems
- Bell Helicopter
- Boeing
- Centrum Doktryn i Szkolenia Sił Zbrojnych
- Deloitte
- EuroCloud Poland
- Eurofighter
- GE Aerospace
- General Dynamics
- Hyundai Rotem
- KAI – Korea Aerospace Industries
- Kochański i Partnerzy
- Kongsberg
- L3 Technologies
- Leonardo
- Lockheed Martin
- McKinsey & Company
- MEADS International
- Milliken
- Northrop Grumman
- Nouveau
- Oracle
- Orlen
- Palantir
- Patria
- Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa
- Polsko-Niemiecka Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa
- Porty Lotnicze
- Prospect Incubator
- PZL-Świdnik
- Raytheon Technologies
- Saab Technologies
- Siemens Energy
- Teldat
- Thyssenkrupp
- WB Electronics
All entities and individuals who are financially supporting the Casimir Pulaski Foundation activities are also expected to follow our official Policy on Intellectual Freedom and Cooperation with Partners and Sponsors.
To see our annual financial reports click HERE

Task name: 360-Degree Cooperation: Strengthening the Financial Stability of the Casimir Pulaski Foundation through the Implementation of Business Development
Value of funding: 177 970,00 zł
Based on the SWOT analysis, the Casimir Pulaski Foundation has identified a need for development in the area of business relations as an opportunity for further growth. This project allows for the hiring of a Business Development Specialist to ensure continuous financial support, flexible adaptation of the offer to business expectations, and the acquisition of partners for various, including new, Foundation projects. Long-term results include: the professionalization and optimization of fundraising, improvement in service quality, increased beneficiary satisfaction, program development of CPF, and the Foundation’s enhanced effectiveness in reaching decision-makers and the general public.
Date of contract signing: 09-05-2024

Task Name: Warsaw Security Forum 2024: Advocacy for Poland as an Active Player in Shaping Eastern Policy. Support for Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine and Democratic Aspirations of Belarusians
Project Funded by the State Budget within the Competition of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland “Public Diplomacy 2024”
Funding Amount: 100,000.00 PLN
Brief Description of the Task: The Warsaw Security Forum will serve as a platform for promoting the interests of the Republic of Poland on the international stage. This includes conveying Poland’s perspective to Western policymakers in the ongoing debate on Eastern policy, and collaborating with international analytical centers to develop concrete steps aimed at achieving the goals set within the Eastern policy framework. The forum will also promote a return to closer cooperation within the Weimar Triangle as one of the leading regional bodies capable of coordinating policy towards Russia. Furthermore, it will strengthen the strategic capabilities of the EU in foreign and security policy. The forum will communicate to audiences across the region Poland’s active role in shaping Eastern policy, including its support for Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations and the future democratization of Belarus.