New American administration will not change the priorities in the area of security – it’s the main conclusion coming from the over one hour-long meeting with advisor of General Michael Flynn, Peter B. deNeufville, who was visiting Poland. The meeting was organized by the Casimir Pulaski Foundation with participation of experts and a representative of the Polish Bureau of National Security on 1st December 2016.
The meeting from series “Pulaski Security Briefing” touched on a number of subjects concerning security and defense in context of election of Donald Trump for President of the United States and naming Gen. Michael Flynn as the national security advisor by President-elect. Peter B. deNeufville and the participants discussed possible changes in American policy towards NATO and Central and Eastern Europe.
Despite the fears existing in Europe and Poland, it seems the new American administration will not change significantly the course in its security policy, although some adjustments may occur, as well as small improvement in relations with Russia. Fulfilling the security and alliance commitments by the European partners of the U.S. will also be more emphasized. Nevertheless, commitments to NATO, Europe and Poland will remain the foundation of American security strategy.
Based on the discussion it can also be supposed that actions against the so-called Islamic State will escalate and American operations will gain in strength. Another subject brought up during the meeting was American pivot to eastern Asia. In this context, it was noted that, although said pivot does occur, relations between U.S. and Europe will remain the base of security architecture.