Honorata Nyga-Łukaszewska

Research Fellow

Honorata Nyga-Łukaszewska

Employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland. Doctor of Economics. A graduate of international relations as well as management and marketing at the Warsaw School of Economics.


Doctor of Economics. Assistant professor at the Warsaw School of Economics. She worked e.g. at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland. An expert in energy security, international energy markets and economic diplomacy. Organizer of national and international scientific conferences.

Publications (selected):

  • Does the agreement of the main gas producers stand a chance of becoming a new OPEC in the global gas trade?, “Zeszyty Naukowe KGŚ”, SGH 2010, No. 26;
  • EU energy policy in the light of the January 2009 gas crisis (co-author), [in:] K. Falkowski, E. Teichmann, “Reaction to the global economic crisis and the regional gas crisis”, Warsaw School of Economics, 2010;
  • Climate and energy in the new EU 2020 strategy, “CSM Analyzes and Opinions” 2010, No. 9.

Permanently in: Warsaw

Honorata Nyga-Łukaszewska

Research Fellow

Honorata Nyga-Łukaszewska

Employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland. Doctor of Economics. A graduate of international relations as well as management and marketing at the Warsaw School of Economics.


Doctor of Economics. Assistant professor at the Warsaw School of Economics. She worked e.g. at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland. An expert in energy security, international energy markets and economic diplomacy. Organizer of national and international scientific conferences.

Publications (selected):

  • Does the agreement of the main gas producers stand a chance of becoming a new OPEC in the global gas trade?, “Zeszyty Naukowe KGŚ”, SGH 2010, No. 26;
  • EU energy policy in the light of the January 2009 gas crisis (co-author), [in:] K. Falkowski, E. Teichmann, “Reaction to the global economic crisis and the regional gas crisis”, Warsaw School of Economics, 2010;
  • Climate and energy in the new EU 2020 strategy, “CSM Analyzes and Opinions” 2010, No. 9.

Permanently in: Warsaw