#PulaskiOnTrump | First 100 days of President Trump on Twitter – Report by the Pulaski Foundation
Autor foto: Domena publiczna

#PulaskiOnTrump | First 100 days of President Trump on Twitter
April 28, 2017
Author: Nikolas Schulze-Makuch (USA), intern at the Casimir Pulaski Foundation.

#PulaskiOnTrump | First 100 days of President Trump on Twitter – Report by the Pulaski Foundation
Autor foto: Domena publiczna
#PulaskiOnTrump | First 100 days of President Trump on Twitter
Author: Nikolas Schulze-Makuch (USA), intern at the Casimir Pulaski Foundation.
Published: April 28, 2017
As a former entertainment figure and reality TV star, Donald Trump has regularly engaged in personal attacks and made controversial claims on Twitter. Since entering the political sphere, as a whole Trump’s attacks have been comparatively more moderated and contained. Nevertheless his Twitter conduct is the subject of much debate and criticism, even from some of his most loyal supporters. Since assuming political office Donald Trump has tweeted 476 times over his personal twitter account. With 28.4 million followers to his @realdonaldtrump handle, the President is not the most followed person on twitter, that would be pop star Katy Perry, however among political figures he is one of the most prominent.
As President, Trump’s tweets have considerable diplomatic and authoritative weight behind them. His second account @POTUS, was created shortly after assuming the presidency being managed by ghostwriters it is subject to considerably less controversy than the @realdonaldtrump account. It also has a considerably smaller audience(16.8 million). Since twitter and social media as a whole are a relatively new dimension to modern politics, it’s difficult to draw an accurate comparison to Trump’s current political influence, nonetheless we should be mindful of the President’s reach and presence, especially when he makes more questionable choices in regard to his tweeting.
Here at the Casimir Pulaski Foundation, we took the time to measure his tweets per subject, as well as analyze how specific tweets were associated with specific events and crisis’s, both in and outside the United States. While it remains to be seen what the long term effects of Trump’s unorthodox Twiplomacy will be, perhaps this first 100 days gave the world a taste.
Credits: Primary research, writing and construction was the work of Nikolas Schulze-Makuch (USA), intern at the Casimir Pulaski Foundation.
Credits: Primary research, writing and construction was the work of Nikolas Schulze-Makuch (USA), intern at the Casimir Pulaski Foundation.