On December 13-15, Washington DC expects 50 delegations (49 from African countries and 1 from the African Union) to come together to discuss the future of economic relations and development.
Autor: Dominika Kulig
Opublikowano: 13/12/2022
It has been nine months since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. During this time an unprecedented number of battles and engagements could have been observed.
Autor: Sebastian Czub
Opublikowano: 06/12/2022
Little has been said in the mainstream media about the situation in Tigray, even though it is one of the bloodiest conflicts and the worst humanitarian disasters of modern times.
Autor: Dominika Kulig
Opublikowano: 01/12/2022
The explosion of Nord Stream gas pipelines became a breaking point in the energy war between Russia and Europe. Handling Nord Stream as a commercial project rather than the Kremlin’s geopolitical tool, Germany’s energy policy lived on as a double-edged sword, which sharpened in today’s European energy crisis.
Autor: Tamar Tkemaladze
Opublikowano: 28/11/2022
The United States 2022 midterm elections have in the past been of little interests to the majority of global publics. This is because they were both predictable (the U.S. Congress usually falling into the hand of the party opposing the sitting President) and inconsequential for the general direction of U.S. foreign policy (which over the last three decades enjoyed a large bipartisan consensus).
Autor: Katarzyna Pisarska
Opublikowano: 17/11/2022
W październiku 2022 r., po niemal dwóch latach od objęcia władzy w Stanach Zjednoczonych przez administrację Joe Bidena, przyjęte zostały nowa strategia bezpieczeństwa narodowego (National Security Strategy) i narodowa strategia obronna (National Defense Strategy).
Autor: Tomasz Smura
Opublikowano: 14/11/2022
On February 24, 2022, Russia extended its armed aggression against Ukraine, unleashed in 2014 with the illegal annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and with the temporary occupation of certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
Autor: Pavlo Romaniuk
Opublikowano: 10/11/2022
Agresja Rosji na Ukrainę zdestabilizowała mozolnie budowany europejski rynek energii i ciepła. Symbolem gwałtowności i nieprzewidywalności tej zmiany są tajemnicze eksplozje na Bałtyku 26 września br., które najpewniej ostatecznie zakończyły projekty Nord Stream 1 i Nord Stream 2.
Autor: Sławomir Krenczyk
Opublikowano: 28/10/2022
XX zjazd Komunistycznej Partii Chin (KPCh) nie tylko utrwalił pozycję Xi Jinpinga w partii i państwie, ale zarazem zupełnie zmienia realia w Chinach. Nie ma już zbiorowych rządów, wrócił „syndrom Cesarza”, rządzącego jednoosobowo.
Autor: Bogdan J. Góralczyk
Opublikowano: 25/10/2022
Since its commencement in February 2022, the Russo-Ukrainian war has posed what some deem the most severe challenge to Europe since the Yugoslav War of the 1990s. Alongside diminishing security levels, Europe has seen the onset of a humanitarian disaster which continues to disproportionately affect Ukrainian women and girls.
Autor: Gabriela Rudnik
Opublikowano: 20/10/2022
Project Leader of the ‘Warsaw Security Forum’ to coordinate and manage the organization of WSF - the most important conference event on security and international politics in Central Europe.
Opublikowano: 20/10/2022
The recent ceremony at the Kremlin when V. Putin announced annexation of four Ukrainian regions was as futile as it was emblematic of the current state of affairs in Moscow.
Autor: Miłosz J. Cordes
Opublikowano: 14/10/2022
Recent expansion of terrorism and the political-military destabilisation indicate a breakdown in the security structure of the Sahel region, even though we can hardly name it a structure.
Autor: Dominika Kulig
Opublikowano: 14/10/2022
Latest clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan are part of the protracted conflict between these two countries. Though the main reason of it is the status of Artsakh, it also concerns Syunik province and never demarcated border between these two countries.
Autor: Witold Repetowicz
Opublikowano: 10/10/2022
International response to the barbaric invasion of Ukraine by Russia has been impressive.
Autor: Robert Pszczel
Opublikowano: 05/10/2022
The Pulaski Foundation organized a webinar on the hybrid warfare in the CEE region. Participants pointed out the diversity of hybrid threats, which are below the threshold of armed attack and are a serious challenge for security of Europe.
Opublikowano: 04/10/2022
Przypadająca właśnie kolejna rocznica zamachów terrorystycznych, dokonanych 11 września 2001 r. na terytorium Stanów Zjednoczonych przez Al-Kaidę (AQ), ma specyficzny wydźwięk i wymiar.
Autor: Tomasz Otłowski
Opublikowano: 23/09/2022
Nie ulega wątpliwości, że informacja o inwazji wojsk rosyjskich na teren elektrowni atomowej (EJ) w Zaporożu wywołała reakcję emocjonalną nie tylko Europy, ale i całego świata.
Autor: Jerzy Majcher
Opublikowano: 20/09/2022
One of the consequences of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the Western sanctions that followed has been deteriorating economic situation in Kaliningrad Oblast.
Autor: Miłosz J. Cordes
Opublikowano: 13/09/2022
Dzisiaj mija 200 dni, odkąd otwarte wtargnięcie rosyjskich wojsk na terytorium Ukrainy wstrząsnęło Europą i drastycznie zmieniło politykę zagraniczną strefy euroatlantyckiej. Od tego czasu politycy, eksperci, jak i zwykli ludzie starają się nadać sens szybko zmieniającym się realiom analizując wiadomości nadchodzące z linii frontu.
Opublikowano: 11/09/2022
On June 23rd, 2022, at the EU summit in Brussels Ukraine has been granted the EU candidate status. The decision was fully supported by the European Parliament, which has approved it with an overwhelming majority that has voted in favour of Kyiv (529:45, with 14 abstentions).
Autor: Przemysław Żurawski vel Grajewski
Opublikowano: 05/09/2022
Przedstawiciele Fundacji im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego wezmą udział w tegorocznej, jubileuszowej, edycji Międzynarodowego Salonu Przemysłu Obronnego.
Opublikowano: 18/08/2022
The Russo-Ukrainian war, which started on 24 February has been the most significant armed conflict in Europe since the II World War. Alongside the traditional fight with artillery, tanks and ground troops’ fighting, it is also the first time when a cyber component is used on the wider scale by both sides. Many theoretical works have been published predicting how the war in cyberspace may look like but the war in Ukraine delivers actual answers to some questions bothering the experts and also brings important lessons for Poland.
Autor: Andrzej Kozłowski
Opublikowano: 17/08/2022
Started on 24 February 2022, Russian invasion ended a “hybrid” period of armed aggression against Ukraine’s independence, democracy and policy of integration with EU and NATO.
Autor: P. Burkovskyi, O. Haran
Opublikowano: 11/08/2022
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is again a place of clash
Autor: Andrzej Kozłowski
Opublikowano: 03/08/2022