Autor: Olga Jastrzębska
Opublikowano: 29/08/2024
The Russian-Ukrainian war should instigate the change processes not only in the area of acquiring equipment and building integrated command systems but also in a faster implementation of the MC philosophy, using the Ukrainian experience, but also the Western, where the MC is implemented for two decades.
Autor: Maciej Milczanowski
Opublikowano: 01/07/2024
The aim of the project Norway and Poland as actors in a changing security landscape (NORPOLFACTOR) is to develop enhanced knowledge of the security-related challenges, risks and threats Poland and Norway face in their strategic environment in the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
Autor: Jakub M. Godzimirski, Tomasz Smura, Ole Martin Stormoen, Damian Szacawa, Kacper Szulecki
Opublikowano: 04/06/2024
The only durable solution for stability in the region is a political resolution to both Palestinian and Yemeni conflicts.
Autor: Witold Repetowicz
Opublikowano: 30/01/2024
The most likely scenario in cross-strait relations after the elections is the maintenance of the status quo with varying degrees of pressure on the island, depending on the final result. However, the possibility of Beijing using the elections as a pretext for escalation to force the Taipei government into reunification talks cannot be ruled out.
Autor: Tomasz Smura
Opublikowano: 12/01/2024
The large-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine at the beginning of 2022 has surprised many experts and is a consistent, heavy reminder to the European people that war in Europe is not a matter of the past.
Autor: Bartłomiej Kucharski, Dariusz Materniak, Paulina Zamelek i Andrzej Kozłowski
Opublikowano: 19/09/2023
On March 19, the Russian Federation attacked a Ukrainian aerial ammunition depot, located in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, using aeroballistic KINZHAL missiles. Since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, Russia has also used ballistic and cruise missile systems. These missiles were mainly used in the initial phase of hostilities against Ukraine’s military infrastructure, although it seems that their sheer scale of use was far from sufficient from a military point of view. It is therefore worth asking what conclusions can be drawn from the use of such systems in the first three weeks of the conflict.
Autor: Rafał Ciasto
Opublikowano: 22/03/2022
A comprehensive reform of the Polish Armed Forces, announced over a year ago, has significantly accelerated since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. The Homeland Defence Act (HDA) was first announced by the government in October 2021.
Autor: Michał Oleksiejuk
Opublikowano: 18/03/2022
The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) released a statement on Sunday that it has attacked "Israeli Mossad training centers" in the Iraqi Kurdistan Autonomous Region with precision-guided ballistic missiles. The IRGC said the operation was in response to the Israeli killing (also in a rocket attack) of two Iranian military advisers on the outskirts of Damascus, Syria, on Monday, March 7.
Autor: Jakub Gajda
Opublikowano: 14/03/2022
After 7 days of the military campaign initiated by the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the situation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is deteriorating, the Russians, despite the losses and the unsatisfactory general course of the campaign, are consistently pursuing their operational goals, i.e. encircling Kiev from the west and east.
Autor: Tomasz Smura
Opublikowano: 03/03/2022
Russian aggression against Ukraine continues. The second day of the conflict, like the first one, began with massive missile attacks on Ukrainian military targets (e.g. air defence systems). The land offensive continued along all operational axis.
Autor: Tomasz Smura
Opublikowano: 26/02/2022
For years after the Cold War invading one its neighbours had been deemed largely unthinkable. That is, until Moscow’s military rolled across the border of Georgia in August 2008 and seized two provinces which it still occupies today. A similar land grab of Ukrainian territory was fraught with horrendous consequences. In 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded both Crimea and the Eastern Donbas regions. To this day the latter remains a war zone with massive devastation throughout and more than 13,000 persons killed – 25 per cent of those being civilians.
Autor: Reuben F. Johnson, Research Fellow at Security and Defence Programme of Casimir Pulaski Foundation
Opublikowano: 13/05/2021
Only those, who want to practice the three wise monkeys pose (see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil) can continue pretending that a direct confrontation with Russia is not upon us. No exercise in wishful thinking can obscure the threat to the post-Cold War stability, brought about by Russia’s recent actions targeting Ukraine, the West and international norms in general.
Autor: Robert Pszczel
Opublikowano: 21/04/2021
Recent meetings and decisions taken by NATO and European institutions have provided more reasons for optimism for those who care about the condition of the Transatlantic community of states. The new US administration is walking the walk. It is methodically outlining its key strategies and reinvigorating alliances and partnerships. This is hugely important because there is no time to waste, as both Russia and China are openly challenging the West and its values.
Autor: Robert Pszczel
Opublikowano: 30/03/2021
The Ukraine defence-industrial complex, usually referred to by the Russian acronym (transliterated) as OPK, was at one time a sprawling and multi-faceted – as well as vital – component of the former Soviet Union’s empire of factories, design bureaux and military R&D centres. Ukraine’s contribution to building Moscow’s massive war machine was considerable and involved several areas of specialisation:
Autor: R. Johnson
Opublikowano: 11/03/2021
The death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi – the self-proclaimed Caliph Ibrahim and the leader of the Islamic State (IS) that had been hiding in Idlib province in northwestern Syria – triggered a number of analysts to announce a major breakthrough in war against the caliphate and the Islamic extremism in general.
Autor: Tomasz Otłowski
Opublikowano: 11/12/2019
On 8th August, 2019 a mysterious blast rocked Nyonoksa, a small village located on the White Sea coast in the Arkhangelsk Oblast, Northern Russia. State Atomiс Energy Corporation ROSATOM acknowledged that an accident at the military firing range in Severodvinsk claimed the lives of five workers whereas three others were seriously injured.
Autor: Rafał Lipka
Opublikowano: 29/09/2019
The new “hybrid cold war” is not at an end even though it has never been declared, but instead, dictated by Russia. On the contrary, the conflict is escalating and becoming multidimensional.[i] The new cold war is no longer limited to spectacular phenomena such as hybrid and other threats below the threshold of war (cyber interventions and cyber defence, and information operations in social media). Today, the clash between Russia and the West bears a strong resemblance to the Cold War in the second half of the 20th century with its indirect military confrontation: an arms race, large-scale military exercises, provocative military incidents, proxy wars, nuclear and conventional deterrence, extortion etc. The collapse of the INF Treaty and an increasing risk of another nuclear arms race at strategic and non-strategic levels are the latest examples of the tension between the two sides.[ii].
Autor: Prof. Stanisław Koziej
Opublikowano: 27/08/2019
In May 2019, Poland’s Minister of National Defence announced that the Polish government had sent a letter of request to the U.S. Department of Defence regarding the procurement of 32 F-35A multirole fighters. Selection of the next generation aircraft is of great importance for any state. Currently, Poland and its Armed Forces have reached the turning point which will have an enormous impact for the entire defence system of the country; its economic and technological development, particularly in the field of aircraft and missile industry; as well as the political relations with allied nations and Poland’s security environment in the future.
Autor: Krystian Zięć
Opublikowano: 25/06/2019
In early 2019, that is eight years after the fall of Muammar Gaddafi’s regime and five years since the outbreak of the second Libyan civil war, the political situation in Libya aggravated once again. On April 4th, 2019 Field Marshall Khalifa Haftar, Head of the Libyan National Army (LNA) that supports the government in Tobruk, announced an offensive against Tripoli, the capital city of Libya.
Autor: Tomasz Otłowski, Senior Fellow, International Security and Defence Programme, Casimir Pulaski Foundation
Opublikowano: 12/06/2019
On January 19th 2018, U.S Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis unveiled the U.S. National Defense Strategy.
Autor: Albert Świedziński
Opublikowano: 30/01/2018
The 2016 EU Global Strategy (EUGS) provided a major stimulus to actions of the European Council, the Commission and the European Parliament in the field of security policy.
Autor: Stanisław Koziej
Opublikowano: 05/01/2018
The breakdown in talks between the Polish Ministry of Development and the Airbus Company over a potential offset agreement, as well as the political impact of unsuccessful negotiations, has been widely discussed over recent months.
Autor: Rafał Lipka
Opublikowano: 17/01/2017
The profile of Russia’s Air Force (Voyenno-Vozdushnye Sily, VVS) is
Opublikowano: 30/09/2015