Pułaski Policy Papers to pogłębione analizy istotnych dla Polski zagadnień z zakresu polityki międzynarodowej, gospodarki światowej oraz bieżących wydarzeń w polityce zagranicznej RP. Opracowania Fundacji publikowane są w dwóch wersjach językowych: polskiej i angielskiej
Redaktorem naczelnym Pułaski Policy Papers jest p. Tomasz Smura (tsmura@pulaski.pl).
Pułaski Policy Papers to pogłębione analizy istotnych dla Polski zagadnień z zakresu polityki międzynarodowej, gospodarki światowej oraz bieżących wydarzeń w polityce zagranicznej RP. Opracowania Fundacji publikowane są w dwóch wersjach językowych: polskiej i angielskiej
Redaktorem naczelnym Pułaski Policy Papers jest p. Tomasz Smura (tsmura@pulaski.pl).
Data publikacji: 7 stycznia, 2025
The fall of al-Assad's rule and the takeover of control over most of Syria by Sunni extremists hostile to Iran is therefore an irreversible end to Iran's flagship geopolitical project.
Data publikacji: 3 grudnia, 2024
Data publikacji: 26 listopada, 2024
EU and Ukraine's collaboration enhances security for both, with joint ventures driving technological advances and aligning Ukraine's defence standards with NATO.
Data publikacji: 21 listopada, 2024
For every €1 invested in renewables, there is a return of €3 to €8—making RES one of the most lucrative public investments for CEE countries.
Data publikacji: 20 listopada, 2024
In highly industrialized CEE countries, there is widespread fear of job loss due to decarbonization and public anxiety over potential economic hardships.
Data publikacji: 19 listopada, 2024
Biorąc pod uwagę rosnące ryzyko związane z możliwością wybuchu pełnoskalowego konfliktu zbrojnego na wschodniej flance NATO oraz zagrożeniami hybrydowymi, utrzymanie floty okrętów podwodnych jest kluczowe dla bezpieczeństwa morskiego Polski. Polska powinna dążyć do pozyskania nowych okrętów podwodnych, aby wzmocnić swoje zdolności odstraszania i projekcji siły, bronić interesów narodowych i zabezpieczyć krytyczną infrastrukturę.
Data publikacji: 13 listopada, 2024
Belarus and Russia have used migration as a geopolitical weapon, testing EU and NATO defenses while amplifying societal division and exploiting human rights concerns.
Data publikacji: 28 października, 2024
Hungarian society's negative view of Ukraine stems from top-down disinformation by Russia and Hungary's government, exacerbating fear and eroding empathy.
Data publikacji: 23 października, 2024
Cyber threats in CEE target critical infrastructure and public trust, making a comprehensive defence strategy essential.
Data publikacji: 22 października, 2024
With the upcoming 2024 U.S. elections, the next administration faces a crucial opportunity to reshape American foreign policy in the Black Sea region.
Data publikacji: 21 października, 2024
2025 – the year in which we mark a decade since the establishment of the Three Seas Initiative.
Data publikacji: 25 września, 2024
W Pakcie dla Przyszłości dostrzega się potrzebę zwiększenia liczby przedstawicieli Afryki, Azji-Pacyfiku i Ameryki Łacińskiej w Radzie Bezpieczeństwa, aby była bardziej reprezentatywna i inkluzywna.
Data publikacji: 2 lipca, 2024
Unię Europejską czeka przeformułowanie priorytetów politycznych. Należy oczekiwać większej aktywności w rozwoju europejskiego bezpieczeństwa i zdolności obronnych, natomiast transformacja klimatyczna najprawdopodobniej będzie częścią większej strategii gospodarczej rozwijania tzw. „zielonego wzrostu”.
Data publikacji: 1 lipca, 2024
The Russian-Ukrainian war should instigate the change processes not only in the area of acquiring equipment and building integrated command systems but also in a faster implementation of the MC philosophy, using the Ukrainian experience, but also the Western, where the MC is implemented for two decades.
Data publikacji: 20 marca, 2024
Wszelkie narzędzia współpracy i nacisku będą skutecznie oddziaływać jedynie wówczas, gdy państwa UE wypracują jedno stanowisko. Jest to bardzo trudno osiągalne patrząc na aktualną sytuację, dlatego rozwiązaniem byłoby poszukanie innych form kooperacji.
Data publikacji: 14 marca, 2024
The only way to avoid an escalation of the war on Lebanon’s territory and to prevent its destruction is to pressure Israel to terminate its plans to invade Lebanon, occupy parts of Lebanon’s territory, and to seriously extend the range and scope of air attacks.
Data publikacji: 16 lutego, 2024
Russia is using the BRICS chairmanship to its own advantage and to counter isolation. By increasing cooperation within BRICS, Russia seeks to expand its influence and strengthen its position as an important player in global politics.
Data publikacji: 30 stycznia, 2024
The only durable solution for stability in the region is a political resolution to both Palestinian and Yemeni conflicts.
Data publikacji: 10 stycznia, 2024
Nadchodzące wybory na Tajwanie nie przyniosą znaczącej zmiany w polityce tego państwa na arenie międzynarodowej. Pomimo wyborczej retoryki podejście wszystkich potencjalnych trzech kandydatów do kwestii Chin wydaje się zbliżone, a uwagę Tajwańskich wyborców przykuwają raczej kwestie gospodarcze.
Data publikacji: 3 stycznia, 2024
Aktualna sytuacja w regionie pozwala na utworzenie w Polsce realnych kompetencji w zakresie serwisowania samolotów F-16 i silników F100, w tym wykonywanie obsług wyższego rzędu tj. modernizacje MLU, SLEP i inne
Data publikacji: 12 grudnia, 2023
Polityka energetyczno-klimatyczna będzie jednym z najpoważniejszych wyzwań dla każdej ekipy rządzącej Polską w ciągu najbliższych kilku dekad. Wynika to zarówno z jej istotnego znaczenia politycznego, społecznego i makroekonomicznego, jak i z ogromnego obciążenia finansowego dla państwa, gospodarki oraz społeczeństwa, jakie się z nią wiąże.
Data publikacji: 6 października, 2023
People in Afghanistan continue to suffer under severe rules of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA), as the Taliban consolidates its power over the whole country
Data publikacji: 8 września, 2023
The Russian large scale invasion against Ukraine on 24th February 2022 provoked a debate in Germany on the relations with China, which had become increasingly problematic over the past decade.
Data publikacji: 30 sierpnia, 2023
The US-China relationship appears to be becoming increasingly confrontational, with the Biden administration largely continuing the line adopted by Donald Trump.
Data publikacji: 4 sierpnia, 2023
Autonomizacja działań i pozycji militarnej Grupy Wagnera w Libii koresponduje ze wzrostem pozycji biznesowej i politycznej tej grupy w całym regionie północnoafrykańskim. Od kilku lat aktywność Kompanii Wagnera w Libii staje się coraz bardziej (i coraz wyraźniej) autonomiczna względem polityki, celów, a przede wszystkim zasobów organizacyjnych i logistycznych Moskwy.
Data publikacji: 8 lipca, 2023
NATO used to hold its heads of state and government meetings (summits) every few years. Now, due to the extraordinary challenging security situation (the ongoing war in Europe, the biggest since 1945) such gatherings take place de facto every year.
Data publikacji: 4 lipca, 2023
The strategic significance of the South China Sea is primarily attributed to its geographical location, rendering it one of the world's busiest and most strategically important shipping routes.
Data publikacji: 27 czerwca, 2023
In recent times, Saudi Arabia - a longstanding strategic partner of the United States - has embarked on a new course in its foreign policy. Riyadh has intensified cooperation with China and drawn closer to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Now, the House of Saud is signaling readiness to join the anti-Western BRICS bloc.
Data publikacji: 26 czerwca, 2023
Since the outbreak of Russia’s large scale invasion against Ukraine Poland procured a significant number of military equipment, which should increase the firepower of the Polish Armed Forces. The Polish Armed Forces also have not forgotten about the development of cyberarmy, which was established in 2018 and should be fully operational by 2026. The question is whether Poland has the potential and will to be a significant power in cyberspace?
Data publikacji: 19 czerwca, 2023
Europe's pursuit of greener energy through the expansion of renewable technologies has led to a growing dependence on raw materials and rare elements that are predominantly produced outside its borders, notably in China and other countries. This reliance on external sources introduces complexities and challenges to the region's energy transition.
Data publikacji: 15 czerwca, 2023
One of the somewhat unexpected (but highly welcome), consequences of the barbaric war waged by Russia against Ukraine and Moscow’s open confrontation with the West, has been a commendable show of unity not just from NATO, but also the European Union (EU).
Data publikacji: 7 czerwca, 2023
Turkish elections were not forged but it doesn’t mean that they were free and fair. High turnout could suggest that the main winner was democracy but this is not the case.
Data publikacji: 23 maja, 2023
Despite mounting pressure, South Korea remains unwilling to provide military assistance to Ukraine. This stance is rooted not only in Seoul's longstanding policy of refraining from supplying arms to nations engaged in active conflict, but also in the highly sensitive security situation in the region.
Data publikacji: 22 maja, 2023
During the early stages of the war, some were worried that Russia's aggression against Ukraine could lead to a similar attack on Taiwan by China. This argument was not unfounded, as a quick Russian victory could embolden China to launch an attack on Taiwan, while a prolonged conflict in Europe could prevent the United States from deploying more forces to the Indo-Pacific.
Data publikacji: 19 maja, 2023
Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) needs to become an attentive listener if its countries want to advocate for its interests more effectively. With the war in Ukraine ongoing and the challenge of the country’s reconstruction looming on the horizon, the regional decision-makers have to show more understanding of the challenges faced by their partners in other parts of the continent. They also need to embark on the path to resolve bilateral disputes with the EU institutions and major EU Member States to increase the region’s credibility at international level in the times of changing global security landscape.
Data publikacji: 18 maja, 2023
As China gained more influence in terms of its economic power, the political ambitions of Beijing have dramatically grown. These tendencies are reminiscent of the continuing centralization of authority that commenced subsequent to the 19th Party Congress in 2017.
Data publikacji: 17 maja, 2023
In March 2023 the US Department of Defense (DoD) presented its budget for the Fiscal Year 2024 (September 2023 – September 2024). As the DoD representatives and the overview of the budget emphasised it is “the most strategy-driven request we’ve ever produced from the Department of Defense.”
Data publikacji: 24 kwietnia, 2023
Recently, the Wagner Group has been on the lips of everyone interested in global conflicts. Its infamous brutal nature attracted international attention when Putin began engaging militants from a Kremlin-linked private army in the war in Ukraine.
Data publikacji: 21 kwietnia, 2023
There is much talk in Europe about Russia’s ability to wage a prolonged war in Ukraine.
Data publikacji: 6 kwietnia, 2023
The 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine has prompted Warsaw and Kyiv to put aside grievances in the name of common security interests.
Data publikacji: 5 kwietnia, 2023
The US’s expansion of its military presence in Southeast Asia is another step taken by the White House to strengthen its position vis-à-vis China in the Indo-Pacific.
Data publikacji: 24 marca, 2023
Following the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, the impetus for a rapid clean energy transition has never been stronger. This position was confirmed by the European Commission’s (EC) REPowerEU initiative, a plan to phase out Europe’s dependence on fossil fuels before 2030 and to increase the resilience of the EU energy system.
Data publikacji: 22 marca, 2023
The Republic of Moldova has received a significant amount of international media and experts’ attention in the past two months. The primary reason is the fear that Russian aggression against Ukraine might spill over into the republic to prevent it from drifting into the West. It is crucial to understand the scale of threats posed to Moldova by the Kremlin’s different scenarios as well as implications for the security situation in Ukraine.
Data publikacji: 17 marca, 2023
On 27th of February President Emmanuel Macron announced a new approach in French policy on Africa, stressing an end of Francafrique. The new policy would be based on the logic of partnership and solidarity instead of logic of interventionism, aid and protectionism.
Data publikacji: 10 marca, 2023
Ukraine is pressing its international partners to begin delivering multirole aircraft. Although such discussions have been ongoing for some time and some MiG-29s were reportedly handed over by Poland, this plan – at least when it comes to Western aircraft – remains unlikely. There is a lack of political will, and concerns related to such move cannot be ignored. Nonetheless, NATO and EU member states still have several options to support Ukraine’s aviation.
Data publikacji: 2 marca, 2023
All societies, countries, organisations, and private individuals functioning in public information space are confronted with the challenge of disinformation.
Data publikacji: 28 lutego, 2023
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought an unprecedented chance to end the existence of harmful stereotype of Central and Eastern Europe as a region where the Kremlin has special interests.
Data publikacji: 27 lutego, 2023
Poland's military procurements, resulting from the growing threat from Russia, are unprecedented in their scale. They provide not only opportunities – Poland can significantly boost its combat capabilities and thus its position within NATO – but also generate serious challenges which cannot be underestimated. Many questions remain unanswered.
Data publikacji: 22 lutego, 2023
In a recent development a number of senior UK defence industry officials arrived in Kyiv to discuss plans for a joint venture between the two countries.