Komentarze Pułaskiego to krótkie analizy bieżących wydarzeń międzynarodowych. Przedmiotem badań ekspertów Fundacji im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego są kwestie związane z problematyką gospodarczą, społeczną, polityką międzynarodową oraz bezpieczeństwem.
Data publikacji: 6 sierpnia, 2024
Data publikacji: 15 lipca, 2024
Szczyt NATO w Waszyngtonie skupił się na zapewnieniu stabilnego wsparcia dla Ukrainy w kontekście zbliżających się wyborów prezydenckich w USA, podkreślając kluczowe skrzyżowanie międzynarodowego bezpieczeństwa i polityki krajowej.
Data publikacji: 11 lipca, 2024
The future of France’s political landscape remains uncertain. Macron's diminished mandate and rising extremism threaten stability. The coming years will be critical for both France and the EU.
Data publikacji: 4 lipca, 2024
The European Council decided who will take the helm of key EU institutions and which Europe’s priorities are to be developed. What do they mean beyond words?
Data publikacji: 11 kwietnia, 2024
NATO's 75th birthday celebration unfolds against the grim backdrop of Ukraine's ongoing suffering due to Russian shelling, with Kyiv facing a dwindling supply of defence weapons. This situation has prompted President Zelenskyy to issue his most dire warning yet: his country "will lose the war" if the US aid package is not approved
Data publikacji: 10 kwietnia, 2024
The existence of the US-Philippine alliance may be regarded as a hitherto effective deterrent against any Chinese attack with direct military force on the Philippines. However, further enhanced cooperation not only with the US but also with Japan is key to warding off Chinese coercion.
Data publikacji: 4 kwietnia, 2024
This third and final unsuccessful attempt to form Sofia’s government means Bulgarian citizens will head back to the polls for the sixth time in three years.
Data publikacji: 28 marca, 2024
Orwell was, of course, commenting on the USSR’s growing dictatorship in the 1940s. Orwell's commentary on the USSR's dictatorship in the 1940s remains relevant today in Russia, where Putin has crafted a similar narrative, with Ukraine as his “Snowball” scapegoat.
Data publikacji: 21 marca, 2024
It is also a message from the Polish government to the American lawmakers that on the matter of national security, there is no place for partisan interests, and different branches of state power should speak in unity despite their political differences.
Data publikacji: 12 marca, 2024
Macron’s drive for more European resolve and his creation of ambiguity in Europe’s willingness to militarily respond to Russia’s aggression come at a critical moment in the war.
Data publikacji: 5 marca, 2024
Although Russia’s leader was not present at the Visegrad Four talks, support for his agenda was voiced by two of the four leaders present.
Data publikacji: 28 lutego, 2024
Space treaties are the primary sources of international space law but they exhibit a clear gap in addressing the military activities states currently carry out in the space domain.
Data publikacji: 27 lutego, 2024
The new China-Hungary pact gives Beijing a chance to exert influence on the EU’s policing and diplomacy
Data publikacji: 22 lutego, 2024
Although the fall of Avdiivka should not be perceived as a turning point in the war, the future looks grim for the Ukrainian Armed Forces if the West fails to deliver the aid it had pledged.
Data publikacji: 7 lutego, 2024
As January 2024 was full of pessimism, February started with a glimpse of hope on the EU front.
Data publikacji: 31 stycznia, 2024
Rządy w Warszawie, Berlinie i Paryżu powinny np. zainicjować i wesprzeć finansowo ideę Międzynarodowego Funduszu Weimarskiego, który pomógłby rozwijać projekty na bilateralnym i trójstronnym poziomie. Powinien on wspierać inicjatywy wspólnych rozwiązań na najbardziej palące problemy Europy.
Data publikacji: 23 stycznia, 2024
Whatever the margin, the West will always lack time to be fully prepared for a nightmare scenario.
Data publikacji: 3 stycznia, 2024
Fotowoltaika i wiatraki to nie wszystko. Stabilność systemu opartego o OZE wymaga magazynów energii. Obecne technologie nie wystarczają na rozwiązanie problemu, dlatego prezentujemy przegląd najbardziej obiecujących technologii przyszłości. Czy Polska będzie mogła dołączyć do wyścigu.
Data publikacji: 20 grudnia, 2023
One has to admit that blackmailing is not a new phenomenon in the EU negotiations. However, now it happens over one of the most critical decisions the EU is making, and it takes place from a member who is a close friend of Putin’s Russia, a country hostile to the EU.
Data publikacji: 19 grudnia, 2023
While further negotiation talks on the aid to Ukraine will be continued next year, with a number of politicians assuring that the aid will reach Ukraine, such delays might prove difficult for the war-torn country.
Data publikacji: 12 grudnia, 2023
It is now evermore imperative that the West redouble its efforts to support Ukraine, as the Ukrainian victory could just prevent the dreaded confrontation between Russia and the West.
Data publikacji: 7 grudnia, 2023
As the three leaders of the EU jet off to Beijing, more questions appear about the sense of the EU-China summit.
Data publikacji: 5 grudnia, 2023
With the war in Ukraine once again turning into a contest of attrition, Russia possesses a significant advantage. It is at this time that Ukraine has to marshal and husband its resources and look to the West for support in the hopes of being able to match Russia’s seemingly inexhaustible military-industrial capacity.
Data publikacji: 4 grudnia, 2023
Although geopolitical tensions make new agreements harder to reach, accelerating global warming will require parties to continue regular meetings and at least have minimal consultancy on climate issues.
Data publikacji: 28 listopada, 2023
The onset of winter is beginning to strain both sides of the war in Ukraine, bringing to the battlefield not only the dangers of conventional arms but also those of sickness, supply shortages and the cold itself.
Data publikacji: 21 listopada, 2023
As the Netherlands goes to the polls on November 22 for a snap parliamentary election, a new era will begin in Dutch politics. After 13 years as Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, the second longest ruling EU leader, has resigned.
Data publikacji: 17 listopada, 2023
With the war in Ukraine beginning to enter its second winter, both sides of the conflict maintain their offensive operations, despite heavy resistance and adverse environmental conditions.
Data publikacji: 10 listopada, 2023
In Ukraine both sides of the conflict continue to be stuck in a brutal attritional struggle, locked in positional trench warfare reminiscent of World War I. The major attempts to break this stalemate conducted by either side have so far brought no change.
Data publikacji: 6 listopada, 2023
The first days of November are marked with a realisation that the greatly anticipated Ukrainian offensive has come short of its expectations.
Data publikacji: 26 października, 2023
The Polish elections have been widely followed in Europe, as Poland’s strategic meaning has increased against the background of the Russian invasion of Ukraine
Data publikacji: 24 października, 2023
Bratislava will no longer be in vanguard of the Western support for Ukraine and will join Budapest in trying to leverage further support of the EU with peace talks.
Data publikacji: 20 października, 2023
Both tone and the content will change. Poland will play a constructive role in the EU, though it won’t be an easy partner.
Data publikacji: 17 października, 2023
The latest polls and reports suggest that the American public opinion becomes more sceptical to the idea of the aid increase for Ukraine
Data publikacji: 20 września, 2023
There is no alternative to admitting Ukraine if NATO’s goal is to ensure the security of the Euro-Atlantic community. Leaving Ukraine exposed will only lead to further instability and Russian aggression.
Data publikacji: 15 września, 2023
As the Ukrainian offensive in the direction of Tokmak stalls Ukrainian forces are exploring other avenues of approach.
Data publikacji: 8 września, 2023
While the Ukrainian offensive on the southern front continues the tempo of the Ukrainian advance has slowed down.
Data publikacji: 5 września, 2023
The Russian presence in Africa worries the West because Niger could become another ally of Russia in Sahel.
Data publikacji: 1 września, 2023
Ukrainian forces are continuing their major offensive operation along the southern frontline in the hopes of achieving a breakthrough.
Data publikacji: 25 sierpnia, 2023
The liberation of Robotyne and the major Ukrainian assault towards Tokmak may be the big make or break of the Ukrainian offensive.
Data publikacji: 25 sierpnia, 2023
For now the world can only watch as the Kremlin plays its hand.
Data publikacji: 21 sierpnia, 2023
W dzisiejszych czasach, w obliczu wzrastającej liczby ataków hakerskich, dbanie o bezpieczeństwo danych staje się priorytetem.
Data publikacji: 11 sierpnia, 2023
Time seems to be slowly running out for the Ukrainian offensive and there is trouble brewing in the east.
Data publikacji: 9 sierpnia, 2023
Dyrektywa NIS 2, choć skoncentrowana na Unii Europejskiej, ma również istotne implikacje dla globalnego cyberbezpieczeństwa. W miarę jak świat staje się coraz bardziej skomputeryzowany i połączony, cyberzagrożenia stają się globalnym problemem, który wymaga współpracy na międzynarodową skalę.
Data publikacji: 4 sierpnia, 2023
The situation on the frontlines of Ukraine is developing both with noticeable successes for the Ukrainian forces, as well as mounting pressure from the Russian forces in the northern section of the eastern front.
Data publikacji: 1 sierpnia, 2023
Moscow’s “war of choice” killed the Italo-Russian “romance” as the true colour of a disgruntled, terror state has tested the government and public. Still, local duginists are looking for a renewed occult influence to hijack the foreign policy and strategic security.
Data publikacji: 25 lipca, 2023
Almost a year ago, U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan (Republic of China) triggered a strong reaction from the communist regime in Beijing. Since then, the geostrategic situation in the Taiwan Strait has deteriorated, which is a result of increasingly hostile and provocative actions from the People's Republic of China
Data publikacji: 21 lipca, 2023
The situation is difficult, but Ukrainian forces are ready for a fight, defences have been prepared, and the Western allies are searching for a way out of the Russian ultimatum.
Data publikacji: 19 lipca, 2023
Rewelacje dotyczące systemu Pegasus i jego rzekomego niewłaściwego wykorzystania podkreślają pilną potrzebę globalnej dyskusji na temat regulacji i odpowiedzialnego korzystania z technologii inwigilacji. Wpływ takiego inwazyjnego oprogramowania szpiegującego znacznie wykracza poza sferę polityki, wpływając na jednostki i całe społeczeństwa.
Data publikacji: 18 lipca, 2023
The potential consequences of the Russian withdrawal from the Grain Deal are monumental, with many countries being affected by potential food shortages, rising food prices, and even famine.
Data publikacji: 14 lipca, 2023
As the war passes the 500 day mark Ukrainian armed forces are continuing their offensive in full swing.